LAF ENV Pte Ltd is dedicated to providing quality sustainable solutions for air related products and services. We are committed to improving our customers’ overall quality of life and aspire to be the premier air purification solution provider.
The Problem:
Air pollution a problem that affects public access buildings such as offices, schools, shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, and your home. Tightly sealed public buildings and homes can trap pollutants and micro-organism causing allergies, odors, and illness.
Is your Home safe from Pollution?
The answer is no. Recent studies have revealed that the air circulating inside many homes or enclosed spaces is far worse in terms of quality when compared to outdoor air. And this situation could even be more detrimental than you think.
Our Solution:
We create awareness and prevent “sick building syndrome” as well as solve Indoor Air Quality problems for commercials, health care sectors, residential, restaurants and F&B industries. We provide clients with complete turnkey solutions with our products and services.