Air Purification – The Problem
Most people spend between 75% to 90% of their time indoor not knowing that the air they breathe can have up to 100 times more pollutants than the air outdoors. Breathing contaminated air irreversibly puts your health at risk. Take control of your indoor air quality (IAQ) by reducing pollutants that can contribute to headaches, lung irritation, and fatigue as well as more long-team conditions such as asthmas, allergies, and infections diseases.

Air Purification Solution
LAF Environmental has been in the business of air purification and odor control for clients from kitchen, restaurants, hotels, commercial premises, industrial facilities, and residential homes. RGF is a proven leader in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) industry. Being the authorized distributor of RGF products, our integrated RGF air purification solutions endeavors to eliminates or reduces pollutants thereby creating a much cleaner and improved environment. We offer a broad range of patented and patent pending air purification technologies and solutions to almost any airborne problem, condition or application. Learn more about some of our most popular products such as the REME HALO® and Guardian QR+™ for the entire air conditioned space, our HVAC maintenance products such as the FinSaver™, our newest offering the Blu QR® UV lights for effective coil sanitation, and our in-car air purification solution.
Many everyday illnesses are caused by viruses like the common cold or the flu

Although bacteria are small in size and usually microscopic, some can greatly damage living organisms, including humans. Drug-resistant bacterial infections are becoming an ever greater threat.

50% of all major office buildings have contaminated heating and air conditioning systems. If not properly maintained, they are a hotbed for growth of molds

Unwanted odors caused by things like pets, cooking, and garbage, exist in every home and office.

Pollen is a common allergen in the United States, where 81% of the 67 million people that suffer from allergies are allergic to pollen.

Dust is a mixture of substances that can cause allergic reactions, including dust mites. The average house collects more than 40 pounds of dust per year.

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 different chemicals of which a significant number are toxic and about 70 are known to cause cancer.

Pet Dander
A very light weight substance and can remain suspended in the air for a long period of time. An estimated 10-15% of the entire population may be allergic to cat or dog dander.